Buddhism was founded 2500 years ago by Siddhartha Gautama. He was born approx. Buddhism with a high degree.
Suffering and Happiness
Buddhism also teaches that suffering does have an end, which can be reached by following the Buddhist path.
Theravada Buddhism
It is sometimes referred to orthodox Buddhism with a high degree of uniformity in how it is practised.

Buddha Thoughts
“Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. Suffering follows an evil thought as the wheels of a cart follow the oxen that draw it.
Right understanding (Samma ditthi)
Right thought (Samma sankappa)
Right speech (Samma vaca)

Control Thoughts
Instead, Buddha said, if you will spend some time each day in quiet meditation.
Simply calm your mind by focusing on your breathing or a simple mantra -- you can, over time, tame the monkeys.
They will grow more peaceful if you lovingly bring them into submission with a consistent practice of meditation.
Our life is shaped by our mind
Buddhism Beliefs
He who has gone for refuge to the Buddha, the teaching and his Order, penetrates the transcendental wisdom of the Four Noble Truths.
Suffering and Happiness
Buddhists feels that reflecting on suffering helps people to understand what is truly important and to connect with others.
Learn moreSuffering and the three poisons
These three poisons trap people in the cycle of samsara and prevent them achieving enlightenment and keep the Tibetan wheel of life turning.
Learn moreOne of the disciples of Buddha
Buddhists believe that human life is suffering and that meditation, spiritual and physical labor, and good behavior are the ways to achieve enlightenment or nirvana
Buddhist Meditation Techniques & Practices
Meditation is highly effective in improving the Mind and Body. Relieve Anxiety and Stress, Renew Energy and Spirit, and Improve Mental and Physical Health.
What is meditation?
Meditation is a means of transforming the mind. Buddhist meditation practices are techniques that encourage and develop concentration, clarity, emotional positivity, and a calm seeing of the true nature of things.
Shamatha (mindfulness) is a well-known Buddhist practice that focuses on developing calmness, clarity and equanimity.
Metta or lovingkindness
Another popular method for how to practice Buddhist meditation is Metta, or lovingkindness, meditation.
Contemplative meditation
The Buddhist teachings share some fundamental beliefs. Practitioners are encouraged to reflect on them in a focused, contemplative manner.
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